blkm-1b.asc "BLACKMALED" THE OFFICE PART 1B CLICK! Ann was startled by the sudden flash of light but didn't move until she heard a strange sound. It was familiar, but she couldn't remember what caused it. She raised her head up and opened her eyes. There was another flash of light and the same sound. "NO PICTURES!", she screamed. "To late!", Sam said and waited for the first one to develop while the second picture came out of the camera. Ann stood upright, trying to cover herself and hide how she was really feeling. With these clothes on, a look of indignation was out. She became terrified suddenly and all kinds of frightening thoughts crossed her mind. But one thing was crystal clear. Professionally and personally, she would be ruined if anyone ever saw those pictures. She had to get them. Ann had a reputation for being decisive and bold. "Better act quick girl," she thought, "before this big cocked, shit for brains, asshole realizes what he's got." Gathering all the strength she had, Ann struck her sternest pose and yelled at him. "Okay enough is enough! Give me that camera and those photographs right now or I'll call the police and have you thrown in jail for blackmail." Sam looked her squarely in the eyes. He never thought of blackmail. He wanted the pictures so she couldn't scream rape. He was only trying to protect himself. Now, she wanted the pictures as much as he did, maybe even more. Walking up to her, the camera and pictures in his left hand, he held them out. Ann was relieved he wasn't going to put up a fight. She knew there was no way she could take the pictures from him and if she tried, he would easily fend her off. She reached out her hands. All of a sudden, his right hand viciously slapped her hard across the face. With a loud SMACK, Ann was sent sprawling to the other side of the office, rolling into small low table between to chairs by the wall. Sam stood menacingly above her, thinking to himself. "If she begs me, even once, for these pictures, she's mine!" His slap was hard and she was rubbing her face, but she wasn't thinking of the slap. Ann was desperately trying to figure out a way of getting those pictures from him. She didn't know what to do now. It was plain that he wasn't just going to hand them over to her, but she couldn't allow him keep them either. She just couldn't. She had to do something, but what! Her mind was racing around, trying to find a solution. Looking at her, Sam noticed his dick was still semi-hard, pointing out and down toward her. He saw a good profile of her face and his dick. Pointing the camera down, he took another picture. "OH! Please! I beg you! No more pictures!" "Gotcha!", Sam said to himself. She was afraid of having her picture taken like this. He was going to use that fear. He wondered how many times he'd be able to fuck her before the night was over. He had to be cool about it though. She was smart. She had to be real smart to have this office. "WAIT!", Sam thought, "That's it! That's what she's afraid of. Her job, her career, her reputation! She'll do anything to get the pictures back. Anything!" Sam's mouth was watering at the idea of having this young, beautiful, and powerful executive, groveling at his feet, willing to do anything he asked. He still had to be careful though. She was known around this part of town as someone who got her own way, never gave in to anybody, and always came out on top in the end. A real bitch to some, a real pain in the ass to others. Either way, she wasn't to be messed with. "I'll have to make her believe I'm an idiot.", he thought to himself, "She has to think she's smarter than me. I'll convince her I'm afraid she'll talk. That should do it. Poor girl. You don't stand a chance. My daddy always said, 'experience and treachery will win out over your youth and intelligence'. You're about to learn just how true that is." "Tell you what. You let me finish fucking you and I'll give you the pictures. Plus, you can't go to the cops. Tonight is just between you and me. Nobody else! You have to promise to keep your mouth shut. Is it a deal?" Ann thought she was the luckiest person on earth. A fast fuck, which she needed, and her worries would be over. "It's a deal", she said quickly before he changed his mind. "Mistake number one! Never show your eagerness to the opposition.", Sam said to himself. "You have to promise. I mean it! You can't mention tonight to the cops!", Sam said. "I swear to you, I won't call the police if you give me the pictures!" "Number two and three!", Sam thought, "Never believe anyone who puts you in a compromising position and never believe that someone else has the same fears you do. Shit! Any street kid would have told me to kiss their ass by now." "Okay. I'll put this stuff down here, on the table. This way, when we're done fucking, you'll know where it's at.", Sam said. Before he put the camera down, he made sure the self-timer was on and pointed the auto-focus lens at the big open space between her desk and couch. Sam then walked over to the middle of it and knelt down. "Well? What about your end of the bargain? You going to let me fuck you or our is the deal off?", Sam asked her. "No...I mean YES! Yes, our deal is still on. I'll..." "You'll fuck me.", Sam finished the sentence for her. "Yes, but only one time and then you have to leave!", Ann told him. "Once in your tight cunt is all a guy can stand. Why don't you come over here by me. My dick's long, but it's not that long!", Sam replied. Ann cracked a small smile at his last remark. She felt so relieved and scolded herself again for being so reckless and loosing control, especially in her office. Plus, being caught by a black janitor, that was a real kicker. "His brains must all be in his dick.", she thought, "He could have asked for anything and I would have begged, borrowed, or stolen it for him. I just thank God I was caught by someone so dumb and afraid as he is. If it was one of the other vice-presidents that found me playing with myself, well... I don't even want to think about they'd want from me! If all this guy wants is a quick fuck, then that's what I'll give him and count my blessings. He cooperated with me, so I'll cooperate with him. This is like any other business deal, except he'll get fucked and be fucked in the end." She chuckled to herself and crawled over to join him. When she was about four feet away, she willingly laid down on the carpet and spread her legs open. "You really want me on top? You're awfully small. I just thought it'd be easier if I was behind you. But hey! Any way you want to fuck me is fine." "Wait! Maybe you're right.", Ann said and moved to her hands and knees. "She's either the biggest fucking bimbo I ever met or she really is a slut and will do anything I tell her!", Sam thought "Well! I'm ready. Remember, one time only and then you leave!", Ann said. Sam leaned forward and pulled her closer. She was too far out in front of him. She did have a great looking ass. Each of her cheek's was muscular, but not overly developed. He bent down over her back and gently pulled her blonde curly hair back off her face. Next, he slowly slipped the top of her dress off her shoulders and let slide down her arms, as far as it would go. Nudging his crotch up against her smooth ass, he stuck out his tongue and began licking her neck. "WOW! What a change! If you acted this way before I don't know if I would have stopped you. Keep it up! It feels nice.", Ann said, trying to get him excited and finish as quickly as possible. "I thought before that you wanted me to just fuck you. That's what you said.", Sam answered. "What do you mean?", she asked. "Is your boyfriend's name Sam?", he asked. "Why?" "My name's Sam too. Nice to meet you." Bracing himself on the floor above with his left hand, Sam slowly squeezed her right tit while rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He then began licking his way up her spine and didn't stop until he reached her right ear. "Oh Sam! Don't stop! That feels so nice!", she said. Sam's tongue was giving her goose bumps. Ann loved to have her neck and ears kissed or gently sucked on. She turned her face to the right, hoping he'd stick his tongue inside and wetly lick it. =0= "I love what you're doing. That drives me crazy!" Ann brought her right hand from the floor and reached for the back of his head. He was genuinely exciting her. She found it and pulled him down to her tightly. When the camera flash went off, Sam was waiting and was the first one to speak. "What is it?", he asked innocently. "I didn't ask anything. Sorry. I guess I was moaning too loud.", she replied. Since she never noticed the camera, Sam knew he had her back under control. He only hoped the pictures came out clear enough so he could use them against her later, but now was not the time to worry about that. It was time to get her ready for the next picture and he didn't know how much time he had. In his haste, he forgot to see what the timer was set on. Sam sat up, bringing her with him. He then spread her slim thighs on either side of his and pulled her up to a kneeling position, with her ass was on his cock. "Can you reach down and pull my cock out from under your ass? All your weight is hurting.", Sam lied to her. Ann leaned forward and felt around between her legs. "My God! Is that all your's?" "Your's too. Amazing isn't it. You had the whole thing stuffed in your cunt with plenty of room to spare. You were starting to like it too before you chickened out.", Sam tried convincing her. "I never had anyone as big as you before." "That's why I stayed still for a long time. I knew you were hurting. Then you adjusted and really started to enjoy my big cock. What was it then? You saw I was black and you don't like black guys touching you? Is that it?" "No, you surprised me. That's all.", Ann quickly replied. She was beginning to worry he might change his mind and keep the pictures. She had to prevent that and convince him she wanted him now. This wouldn't be difficult since he was more gentle and her desire for sex was coming back. "Plus, your dick is so big! You're right though. After a little while, I was starting to like it.", she lied to him. "Okay, I'll believe you. Forget about it. At least you can fuck big cocks now. Right? Can you rub it a little? You better use both hands." Ann looked down at the size and color of Sam's cock. In her tiny hands, it was huge. In anyone's hands it was huge. The color of her legs and hands against his dark cock was exciting to her. The head of his dick was a dark brown with a small pink slit at the tip. The head alone filled her hand. When she pulled back the foreskin, she noticed the shaft near the head was sort of like a light purple color, with dark veins running through it. The rest of the shaft ran back behind her and was a real dark brown, almost black color. The thickness of it was the same the entire length. She could feel herself sitting on the top part of the base and the hairs in his crotch tickled her ass a little. It was mashing against her pussy-lips and felt uncomfortable. Ann raised up a little, spread her pussy open, and then settled back down on the shaft. Sam saw she was fascinated with his cock, so he reached down and circled his hands over her's. "Back and forth like this. All the way up to the head and then back until your hands reach your cunt. Jack-off baby. Squeeze it harder. You won't break it. You have to get it hard for me. Pull it up when you reach the head, not down." Sam watched over her shoulder as Ann did what he told her to do. Massaging his dick this way felt great, but that wasn't the real reason he wanted her to do it. He knew that with the shaft wedged between her cunt-lips, it would open up more automatically when he fucked her. Having her pull his dick up, would cause it to rub against her clit. Same thing with her own hands when she stroked back down the shaft, they would touch her clit too. Since she was doing everything right so far, Sam started rocking his hips, adding extra friction to her cunt. Next, he brought his hands up to her tits and played with them while he talked softly in her ear. "You're built like a centerfold. You know that! I love how smooth and firm your tits are. You're a one sexy slut. Give me a kiss." Ann was enjoying herself by rubbing his dick on her clit, so she turned to face him for a kiss. Sam's mouth softly covered her's, his lips open. She felt his wet tongue glide along her lips and then snake its way into her mouth. She opened up for him and their tongues wiggled together. After a few moments, his tongue was sliding deeper into her mouth, trying to reach her throat. She encouraged him by sucking it and moaning into his mouth. When Sam broke the kiss, she inhaled deeply and threw her head back against his chest. Ann's mouth was open in sexual desire and she was still rubbing his cock with long slow strokes when the flash went off again. She didn't blink an eyelid. Ann was grinding her pussy on his cock, making it wet and slippery. She kept it pulled up so it would rub her clit constantly. Her hands stroked tightly up and down the shaft, moving only when her hips moved. Her breathing was forced, inhaling sharply only when she had to and exhaling in little moans. Sam pumped his hips in a steady, slow rhythm, causing the length of his dick to slide through her open pussy-lips. He could feel her hands gripping and pulling his cock up in front of her. This had him rock hard in no time at all. "Are you getting hot slut?", he asked her softly. "Oh! Yes! It's been so long. Please fuck me now. Hurry! I need it inside me.", Ann groaned. "Okay, but I'm still dry. I don't think your cunt is wet enough yet" "Sam! I know you're not my boyfriend, but fuck me any way. My cunt's wet enough. Don't tease me any more. I need your cock! Fuck me now! I mean it this time. I need your cock in pussy. Fuck me!", she almost shouted. "Listen, I'm telling you. I'm too dry! But, if you really want to fuck me, I know how to take care of that.", Sam said. "No hand lotion! Hold still." Ann let go and got off his cock. Crawling forward on her hands and knees, she then turned around, her face level with his dick. "Wait a minute. Are you slut enough to deep-throat this cock?" "I wasn't going to do that. I can't do that! I was only going to make your dick wet with my tongue." "Here, let me lay down. Then you can do it. I might try to fuck your face if you kneel like that in front of me." After lying down, Sam turned her around, making sure she was facing the camera. His legs were between hers and she was on her hands and knees above his thighs. Holding his dick up with both hands, she stuck her tongue out and licked the head. Sam couldn't remember the last time he was this hard and long. He knew he had a big dick, but it seldom got so erect that his foreskin stretched out to nothing. Her tongue felt wet and warm as she tried to stick in inside the slit on the head. He had to get her mind off his cock and on something else. She'd notice the camera flash if he didn't. Spreading her legs wider with his, he brought his right foot up and rubbed his big toe against her pussy. She moaned a little louder and then her head went down over the his cock, two or three inches of it sliding into her small mouth. She was right. There was no way she would ever be able to deep-throat his cock. What little she did have inside her mouth, was stretching her lips thinly now. While he tried wiggling his big toe inside her pussy, Ann moaned around his dick and lavishly wet it with her saliva, allowing some to dribble down the long shaft. She noisily and sloppily gave Sam the best blow-job she could. Ann twisted her mouth around it, groaned on it, and bobbed her head up and down as far as she could while squeezing the shaft with both hands. Even though with her boyfriend she liked to suck his cock, Ann never told him how she truly wished she could take it down her throat. With this Sam, she saw her chance to see just how much she could take. Sam watched as Ann kept taking his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth each time she went back down on him. When the head hit the entrance to her throat, he estimated she had five inches of him in her mouth. She was on her way down it again, but didn't stop this time. He heard Ann gag, but she kept trying to swallow more. Sam grabbed her head and held it still as he raised his hips. He felt the head of his cock suddenly push past her tonsils. Ann's throat was so hot and tight that he couldn't stand it and started to cum. Ann choked and gagged violently, then quickly raised her head up and off of Sam's dick when he let her head go. Sam was shooting load after load of cum. She knew the first one went straight into her throat. That's the one she was coughing up now. She fought the urge to back away. Holding her hair off her face with both hands, she closed her eyes and kept her mouth open above Sam's cock. She let his cum squirt all over her face. Sam couldn't believe how much cum he was shooting. Ann stuck her tongue out, to lick her lips, when the camera flash went off again. "Holy Fuck! That's more than I expected!", he shouted. "OOOO! YES! I love it! Come on baby. Shoot! More! Hose me! On my face baby! On my FACE! DO IT! AAAHHH FFFUUUCK! YES! CUM BABY! CUMMMMMMM!", Ann screamed in the midst of her own climax. Sam's shouting was in reference to the unexpected picture the camera took, not her unexpected reaction to being shot in the face with cum. When his last spurt oozed out and she calmed down a bit, Ann sucked his cock back in her mouth swiftly. Thinking she'd have to get him hard again, she was very happy to feel his cock wasn't softening at all. She had swallowed some of his cum, but saved the majority of it in her mouth to lubricate his dick, which she now did. Raising her head up, she wiped her face off and grabbed his dick with her hands, now full of sperm. She loosely rubbed it up and down the shaft, mixing it with the cum from her mouth and making sure his cock was evenly coated. "Fuck me Sam. Fuck me now!", Ann said. Sam watched as she got up into a kneeling position and placed her blonde pussy by his black, cum covered dick. Before going on, she pulled her silver dress off and threw it on the desk. "We don't need this anymore. Do we?" "You really are a fucking slut once you're wound up, aren't you?", Sam asked. "Just watch. You ain't seen nothing baby! I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before!" "Actions speak louder than words slut!" Ann reached down and grabbed his dick as she got as high as she could on her knees above him. Moving his dick around until the head was between her cunt-lips and Ann very slowly let her knees slide away from Sam's hips. Pausing for only a second when the head pierced through and into her, she let his cock go, placed her hands on her tits, and sighed. She lowered herself a little more, loving the way his dick filled and stretch her open. The smoothness of her nylons on the carpet caused her to slip when she lowered herself again. Her legs opened up wider than she expected and Ann fell. Sam's huge cock easily slid into her all the way. When their groins mashed together, Ann threw her head back, eyes tightly shut, and mouth open wide. Whimpering, she remained like this for close to a minute. Once the shock wore off, she slowly lowered her hands to her stomach. Her finger tips felt the bulge of his cock inside and she immediately dropped her head to look at it. "MY GOD! YOUR...YOUR COCK...IT'S...", she stammered. Ann couldn't describe what she was looking at. Just as Sam was equally surprised by what he saw in the window the first time he shoved all the way into her. Ann leaned forward a little to see if she was bleeding down there. There was no pain, but his dick must have ripped her apart inside. Surprised that there was no physical damage or bleeding, she straightened back upright. Still looking down, she stared at herself while her fingers traced around the protruding bulge. It looked as though a long tube had been surgically grafted under her skin. The swelling extended from above her clit to her stomach. She cautiously touched the skin on the bulge and pressed with her fingers. The bump felt taunt and hard underneath. She placed her palm on it and slowly ran her hand down to her pussy. "Yeah baby, that's it. It's all me! You got every inch of my cock inside and it shows.", Sam told her. "I got it all! There's no pain and I got it all! Oh I love it!" She felt so good, she was seeing stars sparkle in front of her eyes. Sam, on the other hand, saw the camera flash go off again. "Feels pretty good from here too. Give me a kiss you sexy slut.", Sam said. Ann's hips began moving, side to side, while she french kissed him passionately. Her hands caressed around and over his face, winding into his hair, and back down again along his arms. She wanted to feel every part of his body. She never felt so full before and the sensation was making her absolutely crazy. Her whole body seemed to be alive. All her thoughts centered on her pussy and the huge cock in it. She felt him run his hands along her thighs up to her waist. He was trying to lift her up. She didn't want to move. She didn't care if she ever moved again. Sam didn't give a shit if the camera worked or not. Her pussy felt like a hot velvet glove that was tightly gripped around his cock and he urgently needed to fuck. Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her up, feeling her cunt slowly slide and squeeze him like it didn't want to let go. With a powerful thrust, he then rammed back into her. "Oh fuck! Yeah! You're the best piece of ass I ever had. Come on and fuck me. Fuck my black cock and make me cum again. Do it! Fuck me slut! Fuck me!", Sam grunted. Momentarily, Ann was surprised by what she was doing. She just let a stranger shoot his sperm all over her face and she loved it. Not only did she love it, she came herself as he was doing it. What heightened her excitement even more was the fact that, besides being a janitor, he was black, the first black to ever be so intimate with her. Now, she had his monstrous cock fucking away inside her, eagerly waiting for the second climax she knew she would have. Listening to him urge her on, Ann lustfully put everything she had into fucking him back. She got off his chest and braced her hands on his shoulders. She felt him stabbing inside her pussy with quick short strokes, each one setting off little explosions in her head. She ground her ass down hard in small circles, loving the way his cock pushed further in and stretched her pussy even more. "Oh yes! That's it! Fuck me with your big cock. Stretch it baby! Stretch my cunt and fuck me deeper! God it feels so good! Fuck me baby! Fuck me good. Don't stop! Don't ever stop!", Ann said gasping for air. Sam let her hips go and grabbed her hands off his shoulders, holding her up with his elbows on the floor. Ann was moaning and groaning continuously now. Her face was contorted and her neck showed the strain she was putting on her body. Her tits, the nipples swollen, were slightly shaking up and down from the fucking movements of her hips. She was the sexiest woman Sam ever met. He made up his mind right then that he would go through with his plan and make her his slut. "Move it Ann! I ain't got all night you know. Fuck me like you mean it or get your lazy ass off my cock! I'm not some amusement ride.", he said. "I'm almost there Sam! Please! Don't make me stop! I'm...almost... almost..." "Hurry up then! And don't forget about me you fucking slut. I came on your face and now I want to cum in your cunt.", he yelled at her. "OOOHH! YES! Yes cum! Fill me Sam! Fill my cunt. CUM BABY CUM!", she shouted. "You better fuck faster slut! I can't get off as slow as you're going. Ah piss on it. Let me up." "NOOOO! PLEASE SAM PLEASE! I'LL FUCK FASTER! DON'T PULL OUT OF ME YET! I'LL FUCK FASTER!", Ann screamed. "Bullshit! Get off." "Please! Show me how you want me to fuck! Please don't pull out now! Not now! Please!", she pleaded. "Jam your cunt on my dick real hard and real fast. That's all you got to do." Ann went totally crazy. She was so close to cuming when he threatened to pull out. She got up to her feet and straddle him in a squatting position, careful that his cock never left her pussy. She saw his hands spread her knees apart. "Open wide slut! I want to see if you know how to use that cunt." Looking down at her pussy, Ann saw half his cock was in her. The shaft was pointing straight up from his groin and disappeared inside her. She was super wet and left milky white trails of her first cum along his dick. She dropped down on it and saw the bulge again. Pulling herself up, the bulge slid down. Quicker now, she saw the bulge sliding up and down her stomach. Sam kept yelling at her to go faster. The bulge his cock made while she fucked up and down as fast as she could, reminded her of the lights on her stereo. They went up and down to the beat of the music, just like the bulge was going up and down to the beat of her fucking. Ann couldn't stand the excitement of watching it any more. Her whole body was crying out to be touched and rubbed, her tits and ass most of all. She wrapped her hands around her breasts, jumping when she hit the nipples. She rubbed her tits in circles, pinching and kneading them, gently at first and then harder as her orgasm got closer. She felt Sam's hands go under her thighs, along the garter belt, and then come up and around to her hips. He was lifting her and pulling her down on his cock harder and faster than she could. The first time he slammed her down, a shock ran from her clit to her brain like lightening. She let herself go completely and climaxed the second time her clit was jammed on his groin. Wave after wave of ecstasy rocked her. She lost all bodily control and spasmed above him like a rag doll, unable to think or do anything for herself. Sam had never seen a woman cum so hard before. Ann's eyes were rolled back and her jaw was open, forming a big "O" with her lips. Small tiny moans and whimpers were continuously escaping from her throat. Her fingers and hands seemed paralyzed, extending out wide over her tits, arms locked at the elbows. Her stomach was rippling and she was shaking from head to toe. Her tight cunt got even tighter, clutching and squeezing his cock in a vice-like grip. When it loosened, he picked her up and slammed back her down. Her pussy squeezed again on his cock and she shook all over. Five consecutive times he did this and she came all five times. She was completely out of her mind climaxing. Sam had cum too. That was during her second or third orgasm, he couldn't remember which. Coming out of his own sexual stupor, he cleared his head and realized he had better move quickly before she snapped out of it. While still buried in her spasming pussy, he gently rolled Ann over on her back. She threw her silky legs around his ass and pulled him toward her, reaching for him with closed eyes at the same time. As much as he would have liked to continue fucking her right then, Sam knew he had to stick to his plan. He unwrapped her legs and quickly pulled his cock out of her. It made a loud popping noise that sounded like it was stuck in a wet vacuum. Ann shuddered again, gyrating her hips in a fucking motion while trying to rip the carpet out with her hands. "Fuck you're a hot little slut!", Sam said and quickly got to his feet. She was climaxing still and his dick wasn't even in her. Seeing his chance, he went over to the low table and camera. Just before he reached it, the flash went off, but no film came out. There was a pile of pictures on the floor in front of the table though. Turning the camera off first, he grabbed the pile, walked over to his pants, and shoved the pictures into the first pocket he found. Ann could hear the chime-like sound again and turned her head toward it. She saw the black man getting his pants on in front of her desk. Suddenly panic stricken, she started to get up and yelled at him. "Hey wait a minute you..." "Hold your temper young lady. The camera and three pictures I took before are right over there where I left them.", Sam said and pointed. Ann weakly, but swiftly crawled over to them on her hands and knees. Shoving the camera to the floor, she picked up the pictures and looked them over. There were three of them, the two he took when she was on her desk and the third one after he hit her and she fell to the floor. Clutching them to her chest, she looked up at Sam, who was already dressed. "Hey, don't spoil everything by giving me that dirty look. We both kept our end of the deal. You got the pictures and I got to fuck the sluttiest piece of ass in town." "Like you said. Our business is over. I have the pictures and I won't call the police, BUT I hope you enjoy your last paycheck as a janitor for this building. Now get out of my office!"